
Wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10
Wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10

You might consider contacting Corel to remind them that Microsoft Word is beating them to death in popularity and they're making it worse by refusing to support Dragon. For now, we recommend going back to WordPerfect X8 rather than cutting and pasting, with your KnowBrainer Transfer command, from Notepad or the Dictation Box, which are not ideal, because you cannot take advantage of WordPerfect X9 formatting. The latest versions of Dragon only support the current latest versions of WordPerfect.

wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10 wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10

WordPerfect X9 will not be Dragon friendly until Dragon 16 is released (next year). Our 1st recommendation would be to follow the instructions in your complementary KnowBrainer Insulation/Training Guide, on page 42, where you will find details on removing the checkmark from Use the Dictation Box for unsupported applications under your Dragon options Miscellaneous tab. Smart Dictation also includes Select-&-Say capability. There is a big difference between Dumb Dictation and Smart Dictation where Dragon knows where all of your words and punctuation are located and can act accordingly.

wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10

You won't be able to appreciate Smart Dictation when you don't see a green dot to the right upper corner of the New DragonBar to signify Dragon friendliness. In other words sometimes you can and sometimes you can't. You were only able to Dumb Dictate, which is always a crapshoot.

Wordperfect x7 manual for windows 10