The One, Two, and Three options are how you will create separate columns.From the columns tab, you will find five options: It will also ensure your formatting looks good on printed versions of your resume. This will give you enough white space to keep your resume looking neat without sacrificing too much space.

We recommend using 1-inch margins on all sides. Here is a breakdown of these two elements: Margins: Here, you can set your margin size and decide if you want to use columns. By using one of the program’s pre-made templates, you can bypass many of these steps and simply fill in the pre-made format. Once you have taken your time to figure out where all of your tools are, it’s time to begin building your resume! Important Note: These steps detail how to create a resume in Microsoft Word from scratch.

This tab is where you will adjust your margins and add columns! You should also familiarize yourself with the Layout tab.

These are how you will edit the appearance of your text and headers. The main parts of the ribbon you should familiarize yourself with on the Home tab are Font, Paragraph, and Styles.